The Fourth Age: Total WarDescription: The Fourth Age: Total War is a full-conversion modification of Creative Assembly's award-winning Rome: Total War. With an aim to staying true to the works and spirit of J.R.R. Tolkien's world of Middle-earth, whilst also aspiring to original creative excellence, the Fourth Age: Total War is set to be a must-have for anyone who loves the setting and peoples of Tolkien's mythic world.
www.thefourthage.orgForum: www.thefourthage.org/forumsReleases: (* discontinued and unsupported)
Name: The Lord of the Rings: Total War
Description: A conversion mod of the PC strategy game Rome: Total War, made into a version of The Lord of the Rings based on the movies by Peter Jackson (New Line Cinema). The Lord of the Rings: Total War aims to reproduce the epic and spectacular battles seen in the motion picture trilogy, as well as to provide a campaign where players can take lead of the kingdoms in Middle-earth.
Name: Middle Earth: Total War
Description: The start of the ME:TW campaign is Third Age 2954, 64 years before the period covered in the LoTR books. To put this in context, some events that have 'just occurred' in Middle-earth are: 2941, The events of 'The Hobbit'; 2951, Sauron declares himself openly and begins the rebuilding of Barad-dur; 2953, Saruman withdraws to Isengard, which he takes for his own and fortifies; 2954, Mount Doom bursts into flame again. From this point on, what happens is up to you!
Site: -
Description: The starting date is set in the year 305 of the First Age, and it will feature eight factions: the House of Finarfin, the House of Fingolfin, the House of Fëanor, the Sindar Realms, the Hordes of Morgoth, the Men of Darkness, the Edain, the Dwarves, and the Green-elves.
Site: -
Release: None
Name: Númenor: Total War
Description: Númenor: Total War is a modification for Rome: Total War - Barbarian Invasion. The main goal is to recreate the Great Island of Númenor with all it's aspects. Everyone who likes the stories about Númenor should have this.
Site: -
Release: None
Name: The Chamber of Records Description: The site dedicated to the Lore of J.R.R. Tolkien and game modifications.